Teacher spotted at Childish Gambino concert

Amy Weintraub commons editor Childish Gambino announced a few months back that he was going on tour ever for his last time ever. He began the tour in his hometown of Atlanta, GA, made his way through D.C. and anticipated ending the tour after passing through all 18 different locations on Oct. 12, but he ended up having to stop his tour mid-way through and … Continue reading Teacher spotted at Childish Gambino concert

Upcoming fall plays induce anticipation

Amy Weintraub commons editor The curtain opens. Bright lights cover the stage as the scene begins. Swirling around the stage, actors deliver lines and dancing numbers. Later, the lights dim as soft, soothing music plays. Want to see this magic? Come see the new two fall plays. “The shows this year are hilarious and a whole lot of fun. You will not regret the time … Continue reading Upcoming fall plays induce anticipation

Pre-college programs provide creative outlet for aspiring art students over summer break

A variety of colleges and universities offer summer programs and courses for high school students. The pre-college courses usually cover a specific major or interest for students to study and learn. One type of program that students participated in this summer were art-related programs. Syracuse and Michigan both have several art courses to choose from, UCLA has an acting and performance program and Cornell has … Continue reading Pre-college programs provide creative outlet for aspiring art students over summer break

Students lack spirit week excitement, participation

Does our school lack spirit? Why is it that at other schools, everyone is so spirited but at our school, students look at you weird if you dress up for spirit week? My first year here I remember seeing people decked out in red white and blue and hundreds of students wearing Hawaiian shirts for tacky tourist day. But now, if you take a look … Continue reading Students lack spirit week excitement, participation

Softball: New coach, same expectations; softball prepares for new season

After over 10 years of coaching varsity softball, Alton Lightsey has retired his position, leaving the team with a new coach; Taylor Stockinger, is a Catholic University alumna who grew up in Montgomery Country. Stockinger graduated from Sherwood where she played softball. She later became a Catholic University Cardinal, where she continued her softball career. After graduating college and still passionate about softball, Stockinger decided … Continue reading Softball: New coach, same expectations; softball prepares for new season