Parasite frightens viewers

AJ Grainger
staff writer

The movie Parasite took the world by storm when it won four Oscars including Best Picture, Directing, International Feature Film, and Writing. The Korean film made $210 million.

Parasite is about a family named the Kims who are a part of the lower class in South Korea. They struggle to make ends meet and all have low paying and temporary jobs.
One day the Kims finally catch a break when one of the kids named Kevin poses as a college student and gets an English tutoring job for a wealthy family named the Parks.
Kevin helps the Kims infiltrate the Park’s home by suggesting that they hire his family members for other services around the house. All of the family members pose as unrelated but sophisticated skill workers. The daughter Jessica helps take care of the Park’s rowdy child Da-Song.

The family also frames the Park’s chauffeur so that their Dad can take his job and the Mom takes a job as a housekeeper.

All seems well until the Parks leave their house for a camping trip and the Kims discover what the Park house really possesses.

Parsaite heavily explores three themes, social class conflict, social inequality, and wealth disparity. The director of Parsaite has said that the film is a reflection of modern-day capitalism.

The movie was also named Parasite because both families poor and wealthy are Parasites. The Kims are Parasites because they invaded the Park’s house and the Parks are Parasites because they are dependent on the services of the lower class.
The plot of Parasite is interesting and it keeps the audience intrigued throughout the whole movie. The clash between the poor Kim family and wealthy Park family make an interesting story also reflecting the life of many South Koreans. The comedy-thriller with a dark twist made for an emotional roller coaster throughout the whole film.
Students are enjoying the film. “I thought the movie was really interesting and I could watch it over and over again,” sophomore Liam Miller said.

The fantastic plot paired with the great acting makes Parasite a unique movie. All of the actors do a great job in portraying the low and the high class in South Korea.
The two complex and contrasting settings in the movie also help the audience visualize the differences in lifestyle between the upper class and the lower class.
The comedic and yet scary movie is definitely deserving of its six Oscar nominations and four Oscar wins including Best Picture. The movie was a pleasant surprise for me and I would highly recommend watching it.

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