Online Exclusive: A cappella sings their way into students hearts

Ella McGrath
staff writer

Have you ever been serenaded by an acapella group in the middle of class? On Valentine’s day what might have seemed like hundreds of students were. Three acapella groups delivered these singing Valentines: the Acabellas, Chromatics and the Supertonics.

Throughout the day, singers run around from class to class delivering the Valentines trying to fit each one in the requested period. These students miss the whole day of school. “It is a little stressful missing a day of school, but the experience is fun and makes up for all the stress,” junior Rishika Jadhav said.

Although singing Valentines are popular, they can become a distraction in the classroom. These 30 second songs often get students riled up and distracted from school work. Students often take their phones out trying to get a video of their classmates being sung to. On the other hand, teachers such as Alton Lightsey, enjoy watching their students get embarrassed when receiving Valentines. “I do enjoy the singing Valentines because it gives me a chance to make someone else the center stage instead of me in front of the class and I enjoy when students faces get red,” Lightsey said.

Students tend to have one or two reactions when receiving a singing Valentine; they either enjoy the song and experience, or get embarrassed due to the attention. While singing Valentines are usually a romantic gesture, they can be given as a joke by a friend. “I was embarrassed because the whole class was staring at me and taking videos, but it was fun,” senior Evan McLaughlin said.  

Singing Valentines have become a fun tradition for Valentine’s day that allow the schools’ acapella groups to raise money and school spirit to grow.

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